Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Naga Sadhus


When Abdali came up to Gokul and brutally biting people in Delhi and Mathura... Women were being raped and children were being sold outside the country, Ahmed Shah Abdali in Gokul faced Naga Sadhus Done.

Some 5 thousand pinchy saints immediately converted into the army and fought with the lacs, illiterate Jihadis army.
Earlier, Abdali was taking the saints as a joke, but after a while, after seeing his soldiers flying, Abdali realised that these saints have come to the battle by becoming Mahakal for the sake of their land.
2000 Naga saints standing like a mountain with a trishul in front of cannons and swords got heroic in this fierce battle but the biggest thing is that the enemy's army couldn't even take four steps forward, which was stacked where it was. Then ran back..
Thereafter there was a terror that if a Muslim attacker knew that Naga Sadhus were participating in the war, he would not have fought.
There is no bigger misfortune of the country that today we remember the barbaric robbers like Aurangzeb, Taimur, Akbar, Babar, but we don't know anything about these brave Indian warriors who have lost their heads for the country religion.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Devas and Daityas

210. The beginning of fight between Devas and Daityas

VAISHAMPAYANA said:-The Rishis and Gandharvas, headed by Nārada, who were well-read in the Vedas and who were not visited by sins consequent upon the omission of rites, worshipped the Brahmanas with placing the sun and moon before them.

And they always worshipped the Grand father (Brahmā) in sacrifices as a son adores his father. Eulogised with sweet words by those Brāhmanas who had controlled their five senses,

who always did good by all creatures and wished them well the Lord Brahmā said:—“By good luck (you have undertaken those sacrifices)” (1–4).

Thereupon the omnipetent Lord addressed Kashyapa saying:—“you will, with your sons, celebrate sacrifices on earth. The Yakshas and the Asuras will all celebrate sacrifices with profuse gifts.”

Thereupon desirous of vanquishishing one another the Daityas, elated with the pride of their strength, and the Devas began to quarrel, saying “we will first celebrate sacrifices, we will adore,” and were about to fight with one another.

The Rishis, whose sins had been washed away by ascetic penances and the Brahmanas who had read the Vedas and their auxiliaries, prevented them all.

Although prevented like unto bulls in Gokula they began to fight with one another. Leaving aside sacrifices they began to fight in right earnest.

And when the battle set in they felt a desire for conquering their vital breath and met with death in the presence of all creatures.

Thereupon controlling their external senses through understanding and non-attachment engendered by true Jnana the Asuras and Suras, like unto birds with wings, controlled their own minds.

Thereupon as a boat sinks down under the pressure of the weight of men so the earth, the ground of sacrifices, was agitated with the flames of worldly objects.

Like unto roaring bulls the Yoga postures are broken and the tubes are agitated by the vital breaths. Afterwards Madhu, whose intellectual faculties were agitated and Vishnu,

identical with the quality of Sattwa, fought a dreadful battle which almost overturned the cycle and struck terror unto all creatures.

Thereupon as the cloud pacifies the forest set on fire so Vishnu controls all the mental energies. He, who recites the name of the Lord, appears in Sattwa-guna after controlling his mind (1-16).

211. The fight between Madhu and Vishnu

VAISHAMPAYANA said:—That powerful Daitya Madhu of dreadful prowess bound Mahendra on that mountain with a sharpened noose1 (1).

According to the words of Pralhada and on the wane of true understanding Madhu, desirous of possessing the future dignity of Indra, bound him all on a sudden with invincible iron nooses; and issuing out for battle at the head of his army he invited the fierce Vishnu for fight, as if urged on by death himself (2-4).

Having divided themselves into divisions Kashyapa's sons subjected themselves to Madhu's control. And taking up huge clubs they ran out for battle.

The Gandharvas and Kinnaras, expert in the art of singing and dancing, sang and danced on all sides. With the sweet music of stringed instruments they pleased the fighting Madhu and made him absent minded.

When the Dānavas and Devas came within each other's view Madhu, shouting up, fixed his mind on singing. As fire lives secretly in wood, so Vishnu, with his Yoga eyes, drew Madhu's mind into the objects of senses and dis appeared in the mount Mandara.

Having their minds pained a little the Rishis, of burning intelligence, placed the Grand-father before them and disappeared within a moment (5-11).

Worked up with anger, Madhu, having eyes rolling in intoxication, struck Vishnu on the forehead with his hands. But he did not loose a single step for it (12).

Vishnu too struck with the tip of his finger the Daitya Madhu on the breast. Thereat vomitting blood he dropped down on earth.

Awating for the the hour of wrestling Vishnu, of inconcievable prowess, expert in fighting, did not strike the Daitya when he fell down.

Thereupon touching the ground with his knee-joints the Daitya Madhu rose up like Indra's flag staff. And having his mind filled with anger he, as if, consumed all the quarters with his eyes.

Afterwards roaring with harsh words and desirous of killing one another they engaged in wrestling (13–16).

They were both endued with the strength of arms, expert in fighting, great ascetics and truthful. Those two great heroes began to assail each other.

It appeared that two mountains, with rocky wings, were fighting with each other. Infuriated with fighting they wrestled with one another on the ground.

And as two elephants strike each other with their tusks so they struck each other with their nails (17-19).

Thereupon as after the termination of the summer season and in the beginning of the rainy season gold, mixed with other mineral substances, comes out of the mountains so blood gushed out profusely from the wounds.

Covered with gushing blood they began to tear the surface of the earth with their feet. Striking each other in many ways those two heroes fought as the two birds, desirous of eating flesh, fight with each other with their wings.

Thereupon creatures heard the Siddhas sing the glories of Vishnu identical with truth and all spiritual powers in the sky over Pushkara.

With the elements of fire, water and earth this body is formed. And consciousness is then set to that body. United with the body and senses as consciousness the great Brahman is called Jiva.

When the subtle cause is destroyed all the primary elements exist in it, and that subtle sub stance again appears in many forms. The subtle soul, although disassociated from the body, pervades all objects of the three worlds as consciousness and enjoys them.

For the suppression of the wicked and protection of the pious. Iswara, identic al with Yoga and the protector of Dyuloka, assumes the form of a man,

Shesha, tortoise and others and upholds Ananta who holds up the earth and the four Vedas identical with himself.

The Lord exists in the Brahmanas as the Vedas, in the Kshatriyas as warfare, as trade in the Vaishyas and as service in the Sudras (29–29).

Living in the kine the Lord is distributing amongst you milk and sustaining you. Stationed in sacrificial ingredients he is protecting you with fruits, the departed manes with the smoke of Havi and the gods with a portion of Havi (30).

With four elements and seven sorts of food the Lord, along with the departed manes, is protecting the three worlds (31).

The form of those seven kinds of food is the sun and the moon, which becomes manifest and unmanifest through their own energy (32).

Mind, words and vital breaths—these three continually increase the sun; and with the remaining four the moon increases in his own disc (33).

The three classes of Pitris spoil the balls of food offered to them and the remaining four classes accept them (34).

As gold is converted into an ear-drop so thou art hidden in the five senses: thou dost live in egoism and other principles; thou hast emanated from the Eternal and Undecaying Brahman (35).

The fire and air draw energy from thee: because they draw their energies from thee thou art called Aditya (36).

When the end of the cycle sets in, thou dost as if scorch the universe with thy rays and devour it: and therefore thou dost attain to the highest spiritual power (37).

In Amavashyā (the night in which the moon is not at all visible) and the full-moon night thou dost range secretly with the Rishis sprung from the sun, moon and the Vasus (38).

Thou dost celebrate sacrifices which yield nourishment, grant heaven and do not bring about the deterioration of virtue.

During Amavasyā and Purnimā thou dost appear in trees, herbs and the earth as the moon. And for being born again thou dost take birth every fortnight (39-40).

O lord of elements, whatever exists on the surface of the earth for the nourishment of creatures who have gone away and who will come again is identical with thee (41).

All the daily obligatory rites that are extant on earth are identical with thee. Thou art at one with Yajna, Karma, Mantra, words and atman (42).

There are two ways leading to heaven, the sun and the clear moon. The latter is the way to the region of the departed manes and the former is to that of the celestials (43).

In the shape of creatures and guided by mortal regulations thou dost range in the universe only; destroying the senses in thy own form thou art living invisible to all.

Thou art born alone; thou art the ancient universeal Purusha: thou art undecaying and incomparable: thou art self-controlled and yet thou dost play.

In energy thou art like fire, and thou art ranging assuming the form of air: and thou art always enveloped with five subtle elements.

In the work of the control of mind and external senses thou dost exist as Jiva; in the work of emancipation thou art the Pure Intelligence; and in the work of daily destruction thou art in the form of Rudra.

Thou dost protect the universe as Vishnu. The various orders and castes are identical with thee: thou art the consciousness of the eye and senses.

The self-controlled and sinless Munis, who have attained the Great Brahman through their works, who consider the friend and foe as equal, always serve thee (44-48).

Thus eulogised by the various Siddhas and Munis the great Vishnu thought of the form of Hayashira. While the Lord assumed the form identical with the Vedas and the body identical with all the gods Siva remained on his head and Brahmā in his heart.

The rays of the sun remained on his Kundalas and the moon and the sun on his two eyes. The Vasus remained on his two Janghās and all the Siddhas and gods on his joints.

The Vedas remained in his words, the Maruts and Varuna on his knee-joints. Having thus assumed a huge form, highly wonderful even unto the gods the Lord Hari, with his eyes reddened in anger, began to assail the Asura the very personification of stupefaction.

Like unto a youthful damsel clad in a white cloth the earth was filled with Madhu's fat and flesh (49–58).

Therefore, O king, the earth is called Medini and perhaps for thousands of Asuras she has obtained the appellation of Dharani (59).

212. Vishnu kills Madhu

VAISHAMPAYANA said:-Beholding Madhu's overthrow in Pushkara, all the creatures, filled with joy, sang and danced on all sides (1).

As if riving the sky with its golden summits covered with various mineral substances the foremost of mountains Supārshwa shone there (2).

The mountains covered all over with minerals shone there with elevated summits like unto clouds charged with lightning (3).

On account of their summits being covered with sand and powdered coal raised by the wind they appeared like so many huge clouds.

The mountains, whose summits were covered with clouds, whose trees were scattered with their wings, from which was produced profuse gold, were as if stationed in the sky.

Raised by the wind the winged mountains, having their summits covered with golden minerals, struck terror unto all birds.

The golden mountains were covered with crystal, emeralds and sapphires. The huge mountain Himālaya was covered with white minerals.

And when his golden summits and wings are lighted up by the rays of the sun they display various sorts of jems.

The huge mountain Mandara, filled with crystal and containing two gate ways built of Vajra, shone like the celestial region. The mount Kailāsha, adorned with various minerals,

its high summits like unto so many gateways, and trees covered with Gandharvas playing on musical instruments, the Kinnarras singing and the celestial maidens, making various gestures, appeared like a sporting mountain (4-12).

With Madhu's singing, acting, dancing, playing the mount Kailāsa excited desire like unto Cupid (13).

Vishnu, in the shape of the earth, blue mount Vindhya with summits like unto clouds stricken with the rays of the sun, staitioned on the mount Meru, sent down showers on earth through clouds (14-15).

With rising clouds the mountains discharge pure water, various rocks, mineral substances; andthrough springs they discharge water clear like crystal.

After the end of the rainy season trees, like unto clouds charged with lighning, shine being adorned with flowers.

The elephants have been adorned with various ornaments of gold. Hanging and blossoming creepers, supported by trees filled with birds, are as if dancing on being shaken by the wind.

And during the spring the creepers, shaken by a gust of wind, like unto waves striking against the bank, are pouring blossoms like unto drops of water.

The earth has been covered with various huge tres covered with fruits. As if singing songs the trees, fond of honey and birds, are announcing the approach of Cupid.

The Divine Vishnu, the destroyer of Madhu, created a river of currents. That stream had many fountains, profuse water and beautiful landing places.

The shrines, situate on its bank, were charming and beautiful. It was full of clear water and carried fragrance of flowers (16–23).

Enlightened by the Vedic words “there is nothing else but thee” she enters into the Yogin's heart. Enlightened by the Vedic words, and assuming the form of Kapil (i.e. the balanced state of the three qualities) in yoga she yeilds milk (i.e. unfolds spiritual science) (24–25).

When all the intellectual faculties are destroyed only Pure consciousnes remains; the three universal tendencies (Gunas) resort to the material body only for knowing the subtle element.

Thereupon the Yogin, with mental concentration, adores the highly wonderful, eternal and pure Atman. Brahman, in the shape of pure Jnāna, crossing over all objects of consciousnes like water in a desert,

pervades the entire creation. The beautiful, well formed illusory Māyā covers the celestial Atman. When the cover of Avidyā is removed one can see Atman.

The consciousness of ego is invincible like a mountain. It depends on the three universal tendencies or Gunas. It exists eternally and is served even by the Siddhas (29).


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